Momita Flower Products

LightCastle Analytics Wing
June 28, 2019
Momita Flower Products

“LightCastle has helped us reach newer heights, not only in terms of capacity building and business expansion but also emphasizing on other vital aspects for a business to flourish by providing us guidelines and lessons in marketing, record keeping, supply chain management and procurement.”

Momita Flower Products has been operating on a small scale ever since it was started back in 2006. Both Delowar and Shelly were extremely passionate about flower cultivation and ended up creating a nursery to offer a variety of flowers locally.

While they have done fairly well, despite their efforts they fell short to grow adequately because of two major reasons: lack of effective marketing and capital access.

SmartCap Journey

Delowar and Shelly attended our accelerator program in Dhaka. Their journey with the SmartCap program looked like the following:

  • Learned about business expansion models
  • Learned how to develop proper marketing strategies
  • Learned how to keep financial records and plan for the future
  • Learned how to prepare pitch decks
  • Pitched business in front of investors and banks

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  • Increased production and sales by 50%
  • Increased workforce by 50%. Currently, they have ~50 employees who are directly working in the flower processing unit and a further 20-25 part-time workers who are working in ancillary functions like packaging and logistics. Moreover, currently, 3 Indian consultants are giving full-time support in strategic and technical decision making and implementation process
  • Receiving constant speaking offers as panelists in impact investment-oriented events and other promotional events
  • Currently developing own logistics support to ensure uninterrupted supply of flower products in the domestic market. Moreover, signing up distributors in divisional cities
  • Planning to diversify into strawberry production – already in talks with a team from India to help set that up
  • Developed the first-ever high-tech plantation technology in Bangladesh
  • Currently, they are producing a variety of flowers, including exotic roses

Future Plan

Traditionally Bangladeshi flower producers import exotic flower seedlings from abroad. However, it is about to change for good. Momita Flower Products is taking the much-needed initiative to develop the first state-of-the-art production unit of flower seedlings in Bangladesh.

Once production starts, they will distribute the flower seedlings around the country, promoting local products and reducing import dependency.

WRITTEN BY: LightCastle Analytics Wing

At LightCastle, we take a systemic and data-driven approach to create opportunities for growth and impact. We are an international management consulting firm which creates systemic and data-driven opportunities for growth and impact in emerging markets. By collaborating with development partners and leveraging the power of the private sector, we strive to boost economies, inspire businesses, and change lives at scale.

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