86pc of users trust e-commerce: survey

LightCastle Analytics Wing
January 27, 2016
86pc of users trust e-commerce: survey

About 18 percent of middle-class people in Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet are making online purchases every day, a business research firm said in a survey yesterday.

Some 86 percent of the respondents expressed trust in e-commerce operators and their products, according to the survey by LightCastle Partners that provides advisory and analytic services

The survey — the Rise of Digital Consumer Class in Bangladesh — covered 450 respondents in the three major cities.

The study also showed that 11 percent of the respondents neither trust nor distrust e-commerce products, while 3 percent expressed a lack of trust.

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The survey covered mostly young people, a majority aged between 20 and 40 years, and have monthly incomes ranging between $251 and $650, surveyors said.  The survey revealed the strong position of e-space, and the predominance of the affluent class in the utilization of online trade, said Bijon Islam, chief executive officer of LightCastle Partners.

Currently, food delivery service via the Internet accounts for about a quarter of e-commerce.

Another 21 percent of the respondents purchase clothes and accessories online, and 32 percent said they are planning to buy clothes and accessories on the Internet within the next 12 months.

Source: The daily star

WRITTEN BY: LightCastle Analytics Wing

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