Argidius Foundation Report on Donor Practices to Grow Enterprise Support Organizations (ESOs)

LightCastle Analytics Wing
November 2, 2023
Argidius Foundation Report on Donor Practices to Grow Enterprise Support Organizations (ESOs)

The “Sustain Impact: Donor Practices to Grow Enterprise Support Organizations” report, created for donor audiences, shows how ESOs can scale and sustain SME development, offering frameworks and recommendations for how donors can adjust their programmatic funding to encourage ESO growth. 

The report uses cases and narratives of ESOs and their growth, noting donors’ roles in support. Using the metaphor of a tree the report communicates how ESO development happens and what enables them to thrive. Findings suggest that investing in ESOs supports the development of robust, enduring support for SMEs and broader ecosystems. 

The report has been produced by Snowmelt, and backed by Argidius Foundation, with 40+ participants who added their perspectives through interviews and workshops, which included representatives from major donors and leading ESOs.

argidius report on enterprise support organizations cover If you are interested to learn more, download the full report Document download full report

This report was originally published on the Argidius Foundation website.

WRITTEN BY: LightCastle Analytics Wing

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