LightCastle Partners and Youth Opportunities Co-organizes Youth Policy Recommendation Competition

LightCastle Analytics Wing
November 29, 2020
LightCastle Partners and Youth Opportunities Co-organizes Youth Policy Recommendation Competition

Youth Opportunities, in support of LightCastle Partners, organized a youth policy recommendation: Write to Fight Post COVID-19 Era, a national writing competition for Bangladesh’s Recovery Idea and Plan: Youth Perspective in partnership with the Bangladesh Government, NGOs, and Private Sectors to provide a platform to youth to express their opinions, ideas and raise their voice, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic across 10 thematic areas to the policymakers. Over 6000 new perspectives were proposed from all across 64 districts of the country, indicating that the seeds have been planted by the nation as it prepares for the post-pandemic recovery plan.

Get your copy of the knowledge product of the competition, “Bangladesh’s Recovery Idea and Plan: Youth Perspective” by clicking the link here.

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WRITTEN BY: LightCastle Analytics Wing

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