Impact of Coronavirus on Livelihoods: Low- and Lower Middle-Income Population of Urban Dhaka

LightCastle Analytics Wing
April 21, 2020
Impact of Coronavirus on Livelihoods: Low- and Lower Middle-Income Population of Urban Dhaka

Bangladesh witnessed its first official casualty from Covid-19 on March 8, 2020. Conducted in early April, this study looks at the impact of Covid-19 on the livelihoods of the urban low-income and lower-middle-income working population of Dhaka.

A total of 113 respondents, employed in the Dhaka Division (segregated into Dhaka Metro, Greater Dhaka North, and Greater Dhaka East) and residing in low and lower-middle-income communities, were surveyed via phone calls for assessing the immediate impacts of the pandemic on the economically vulnerable population segments.

Based on the key findings, we have suggested specific recommendations geared toward policymakers and other relevant stakeholders.

Impact of Coronavirus on Livelihoods: Low- and Lower Middle-Income Population of Urban Dhaka Document download full report

WRITTEN BY: LightCastle Analytics Wing

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