Impact of Coronavirus on Livelihoods: RMG Workers in Urban Dhaka

LightCastle Analytics Wing
April 28, 2020
Impact of Coronavirus on Livelihoods: RMG Workers in Urban Dhaka

Bangladesh witnessed its first official casualty from the Covid-19 coronavirus on March 8, 2020.

In order to understand the impact of Covid-19 on the livelihoods of RMG workers in Urban Dhaka and their families, LightCastle Partners conducted rapid response surveys across major Low-Income Communities (LIC) in the greater Dhaka region in early April 2020.

A total of 34 RMG workers were reached out via phone call questionnaires and the responses were recorded in order to evaluate the impact on livelihood and formulate recommendations to elevate the most vulnerable group from this economic calamity.

Key findings include an average of 31% reduction in income for households with RMG workers and 91% of RMG worker households remaining outside the purview of social safety nets and external assistance.

This study on RMG workers formed a subset of a larger study on the effect of Covid-19 on the livelihoods of Low- and Lower-Middle-Income populations of Urban Dhaka.

Impact of Coronavirus on Livelihoods of RMG Workers in Urban Dhaka Document download full report

WRITTEN BY: LightCastle Analytics Wing

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